Kwonsooksoo - 餐厅, 江南首尔
kwonsooksoo View KwonSookSoo menu on , Seoul popular restaurants and food recommendations, view restaurant addresses, phone numbers, photos, real user reviews, 권숙수, Kwonsooksoo 2021 michelin guide seoul executive chef restaurateur 권우중 GM sommelier 한욱태 07 dinner
Visitors' opinions on KwonSookSoo From its extensively unique menu, calming atmosphere and beautifully crafted dishes, KwonSookSoo shows why Kwonsooksoo Restaurant Kwonsooksoo Creative and contemporary Korean La Yeon Restaurant La Yeon Sky-high Korean delicacies Le Chamber 50 Best Bar Le
Kwonsooksoo · 午餐套餐 包含前菜、主菜、甜点等8道菜品的套餐 195,000韩元(1人、平日)、225,000韩元(1人、周末·国定假日) · 美食套餐 包含前菜、主菜、甜点等10道菜品的 Chef Kwon Woo-joong of two-star Kwonsooksoo promotes the beauty of Korean food to the world in a modern way MICHELIN and Genesis take a