ช่วยด้วย เราเข้า localhostphpmyadmin ไม่ได้
localhost phpmyadmin Learn how to access phpMyAdmin to run a SQL query in your WordPress database and how to run a query when your WordPress site has a custom I am trying to open the browser with http:localhostphpmyadmin , but i am getting an error - broken link Someone in this forum said
The latest version of phpMyAdmin allows you to change the name of the database Be sure to take note of the database user assigned to it in cPanel I recently installed Linux i can't get phpmyadmin when i hit http:localhostphpmyadmin I did the following commends 1)Install the LAMP Server
Just like on Windows, enter the address “http:localhostphpmyadmin” in the browser's search bar to access the phpMyAdmin start page How The PHP error log and the Apache error logs have no errors Note: I've tried all combinations of the url such as localhostphpmyadmin and