SAFEZONE พื้นที่ปลอดภัย – SAAFTH - มูลนิธิศูนย์วิชาการสารเสพติด
The SafeZone Initiative safezone
SafeZone SafeZone banner SafeZone is a free online app that helps us to help you while you're on campus, if you request it Once you download and sign in to
safezonemember789 SafeZone is a free app that allows you to send a location-based alert from your smartphone or tablet to SafeGuarding Services whenever you need an immediate SafeZone is a free app that allows you to send a location-based alert from your smartphone or tablet to SafeGuarding Services whenever you need an immediate SafeZone is the College's mobile app that allows all students and staff to alert, contact and directly speak to the Security team in the event of an emergency
ทีเด็ดบอล100เปอร์เซ็นต์ SafeZone is the College's mobile app that allows all students and staff to alert, contact and directly speak to the Security team in the event of an emergency