How can I transfer money from a tonkeeper wallet to my card?
tonkeeperton wallet buy some Ton from your telegram wallet and send it to Ton keeper wallet then you can connect your Ton keeper wallet to claim the airdrop How to Withdraw GOATS Tokens · Set Up a Wallet: Use a TON-compatible wallet, like Tonkeeper · Link Your Wallet: Connect the wallet to the GOATS
Contribute to tonkeeperton-assets development by creating an account on GitHub Bitget Wallet Token, EQBaWrUZwQMcCEHZHf-dAFVhAWInbA7KJciM1W1aQxg4YT8I Note: Importing TON mnemonics currently creates a TON-Only wallet and does not support passphrase This is due to TON's unique mnemonic algorithm
Tonkeeper, a non-custodial crypto wallet in The Open Network Blockchain ecosystem, has added LetsExchange to its Dappstore Learn the To start using the TON network, you'll need a TON wallet Options include @wallet, which can be used within Telegram, and Tonkeeper, a non-custodial